Command line

Main script of project Universum is All command-line parameters, general and module-related, are passed to this main script.


Most of command-line parameters can be replaced by setting up corresponding environment variables (see ‘env’ comment in descriptions)

Universum 0.18.6-python2.7.6

usage: universum [-h] [--version] [--build-only-latest] [--no-diff]
                 [--artifact-dir ARTIFACT_DIR] [--no-archive]
                 [--project-root PROJECT_ROOT]
                 [--server-type {tc,jenkins,local}]
                 [--tc-server TEAMCITY_SERVER] [--tc-build-id BUILD_ID]
                 [--tc-configuration-id CONFIGURATION_ID]
                 [--tc-auth-user-id TC_USER] [--tc-auth-passwd TC_PASSWD]
                 [--jenkins-build-url BUILD_URL] [--report-build-start]
                 [--report-build-success] [--report-only-fails]
                 [--report-no-vote] [--out-type {tc,term,jenkins}]
                 [--out {console,file}] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
                 [--filter LAUNCHER.STEP_FILTER] [--report-to-review]
                 [--vcs-type VCS_TYPE] [--git-checkout-id GIT_CHECKOUT_ID]
                 [--git-cherry-pick-id GIT_CHERRYPICK_ID [GIT_CHERRYPICK_ID ...]]
                 [--git-repo GIT_REPO] [--git-refspec GIT_REFSPEC]
                 [--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN]
                 [--github-check-name GITHUB_CHECK_NAME]
                 [--github-check-id GITHUB_CHECK_ID]
                 [--github-api-url GITHUB_API_URL]
                 [--file-source-dir SOURCE_DIR] [--p4-client P4CLIENT]
                 [--p4-sync SYNC_CHANGELIST [SYNC_CHANGELIST ...]]
                 [--p4-shelve SHELVE_CHANGELIST [SHELVE_CHANGELIST ...]]
                 [--p4-force-clean] [--p4-project-depot-path P4_PATH]
                 [--p4-mappings P4_MAPPINGS [P4_MAPPINGS ...]]
                 [--p4-port P4PORT] [--p4-user P4USER]
                 [--p4-password P4PASSWD] [--swarm-server-url SWARM_SERVER]
                 [--swarm-review-id REVIEW] [--swarm-change SWARM_CHANGELIST]
                 [--swarm-pass-link PASS] [--swarm-fail-link FAIL]
                 {poll,submit,nonci} ...

Named Arguments

 Display product name & version instead of launching.

Skip build if review version isn’t latest

Default: False


Only applies to build steps where code_report=True; disables calculating analysis diff for changed files, in this case full analysis report will be published

Default: False

Artifact collection

Parameters of archiving and collecting of build artifacts

--artifact-dir, -ad

Directory to collect artifacts to. Default is ‘artifacts’

Environment variable: $ARTIFACT_DIR


By default all directories noted as artifacts are copied as .zip archives. This option turn archiving off to copy bare directories to artifact directory

Default: False

Source files

Parameters determining the processing of repository files

--project-root, -pr

Temporary directory to copy sources to. Default is ‘temp’

Environment variable: $PROJECT_ROOT


Perform test build for code review system (e.g. Gerrit or Swarm).

Default: False

--vcs-type, -vt

Possible choices: none, p4, git, gerrit, github

Select repository type to download sources from: Perforce (‘p4’), Git (‘git’), Gerrit (‘gerrit’), GitHub (‘github’) or a local directory (‘none’). Gerrit uses Git parameters. Each VCS type has its own settings.

Environment variable: $VCS_TYPE

Automation server

Automation server options

--server-type, -st

Possible choices: tc, jenkins, local

Type of environment to refer to (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, local - user local terminal). TeamCity and Jenkins environment is detected automatically when launched on build agent

TeamCity variables

TeamCity-specific parameters

--tc-server, -ts

TeamCity server URL

Environment variable: $TEAMCITY_SERVER

--tc-build-id, -tbi

Environment variable: $BUILD_ID

--tc-configuration-id, -tci

Environment variable: $CONFIGURATION_ID

--tc-auth-user-id, -tcu


Environment variable: $TC_USER

--tc-auth-passwd, -tcp


Environment variable: $TC_PASSWD

Jenkins variables

Jenkins-specific parameters

--jenkins-build-url, -jbu

Link to build on Jenkins (automatically set by Jenkins)

Environment variable: $BUILD_URL

Result reporting

Build results collecting and publishing parameters

--report-build-start, -rst

Send additional comment to review system on build started (with link to log)

Default: False

--report-build-success, -rsu

Send comment to review system on build success (in addition to vote up)

Default: False

--report-only-fails, -rof

Include only the list of failed steps to reporting comments

Default: False

--report-no-vote, -rnv

Do not vote up/down review depending on result

Default: False


Log appearance parameters

--out-type, -ot

Possible choices: tc, term, jenkins

Type of output to produce (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, term - terminal). TeamCity environment is detected automatically when launched on build agent.

--out, -o

Possible choices: console, file

Define whether to print build logs to console or file. Log file names are generated based on the names of build steps. By default, logs are printed to console when the build is launched on Jenkins or TeamCity agent

Configuration execution

External command launching and reporting parameters

--config, -cfg

Path to project config file (example: -cfg=my/prject/ Mandatory parameter.

Environment variable: $CONFIG_PATH

--filter, -f
Allows to filter which steps to execute during launch. String value representing single filter or a set of filters separated by ‘:’. To define exclude pattern use ‘!’ symbol at the beginning of the pattern.

A Universum step match specified pattern when ‘filter’ is a substring of step ‘name’. This functionality is similar to ‘boosttest’ and ‘gtest’ filtering, except special characters (like ‘*’, ‘?’, etc.) are ignored.

* -f=’run test’ - run only steps that contain ‘run test’ substring in their names
* -f=’!run test’ - run all steps except those containing ‘run test’ substring in their names
* -f=’test 1:test 2’ - run all steps with ‘test 1’ OR ‘test 2’ substring in their names
* -f=’test 1:!unit test 1’ - run all steps with ‘test 1’ substring in their names except those containing ‘unit test 1’


--git-checkout-id, -gco

A commit ID to checkout. Could be exact commit hash, or branch name, or tag, etc.

Environment variable: $GIT_CHECKOUT_ID

--git-cherry-pick-id, -gcp

List of commit IDs to be cherry-picked, separated by comma. ‘–git-cherry-pick-id’ can be added to the command line several times

Environment variable: $GIT_CHERRYPICK_ID

--git-repo, -gr

See your project home page for exact repository identifier, passed to ‘git clone’. If using SSH, ‘–git-repo’ format is ‘ssh://user@server:port/detailed/path

Environment variable: $GIT_REPO

--git-refspec, -grs

Any additional refspec to be fetched

Environment variable: $GIT_REFSPEC


GitHub repository settings

--github-token, -ght

GitHub API token; for details see

Environment variable: $GITHUB_TOKEN

--github-check-name, -ghc

The name of Github check run

Environment variable: $GITHUB_CHECK_NAME

Default: “Universum check”

--github-check-id, -ghi

Github check run ID

Environment variable: $GITHUB_CHECK_ID

--github-api-url, -gha

API URL for integration

Environment variable: $GITHUB_API_URL

Default: “

Local files

Parameters for file settings in case of no VCS used

--file-source-dir, -fsd

A local folder for project sources to be copied from. This option is only needed when ‘–driver-type’ is set to ‘none’

Environment variable: $SOURCE_DIR


--p4-client, -p4c

P4 client (workspace) name to be created. Use ‘–p4-force-clean’ option to delete this client while finalizing

Environment variable: $P4CLIENT

--p4-sync, -p4h

Sync (head) CL(s). Just a number will be interpreted as united CL for all added VCS roots. To add a sync CL for specific depot/workspace location, write location in the same format as in P4_MAPPINGS with ‘@<CL number>’ in the end, e.g. ‘//DEV/Solution/MyProject/…@1234567’. To specify more than one sync CL for several locations, add ‘–p4-sync’ several times or split them with comma

Environment variable: $SYNC_CHANGELIST

--p4-shelve, -p4s

List of shelve CLs to be applied, separated by comma. –p4-shelve can be added to the command line several times. Also shelve CLs can be specified via additional environment variables: SHELVE_CHANGELIST_1..5

Environment variable: $SHELVE_CHANGELIST


Revert all vcs within ‘–p4-client’ and delete the workspace. Mandatory for CI environment, otherwise use with caution

Default: False

--p4-project-depot-path, -p4d

Depot path to get sources from (starts with ‘//’, ends with ‘/…’Only supports one path. Cannot be used with ‘–p4-mappings’ option

Environment variable: $P4_PATH

--p4-mappings, -p4m

P4 mappings. Cannot be used with ‘–p4-project-depot-path’ option. Use the following format: ‘//depot/path/… /local/path/…’, where the right half is the same as in real P4 mappings, but without client name. Just start from client root with one slash. For more than one add several times or split with ‘,’ character

Environment variable: $P4_MAPPINGS

--p4-port, -p4p

P4 port (e.g. ‘’)

Environment variable: $P4PORT

--p4-user, -p4u

P4 user name

Environment variable: $P4USER

--p4-password, -p4P

P4 password

Environment variable: $P4PASSWD


Parameters for performing a test run for pre-commit review

--swarm-server-url, -ssu

Swarm server URL; is used for additional interaction such as voting for the review

Environment variable: $SWARM_SERVER

--swarm-review-id, -sre

Swarm review number; is sent by Swarm triggering link as ‘{review}’

Environment variable: $REVIEW

--swarm-change, -sch

Swarm change list to unshelve; is sent by Swarm triggering link as ‘{change}’

Environment variable: $SWARM_CHANGELIST

--swarm-pass-link, -spl

Swarm ‘success’ link; is sent by Swarm triggering link as ‘{pass}’

Environment variable: $PASS

--swarm-fail-link, -sfl

Swarm ‘fail’ link; is sent by Swarm triggering link as ‘{fail}’

Environment variable: $FAIL

Additional commands
