Source code for universum.modules.launcher

import os
import re
import sys
from inspect import cleandoc
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import sh
from requests import Response

from . import automation_server, api_support, artifact_collector, reporter, code_report_collector
from .error_state import HasErrorState
from .output import HasOutput, Output
from .project_directory import ProjectDirectory
from .structure_handler import HasStructure, RunningStepBase
from .. import configuration_support
from ..lib import utils
from ..lib.ci_exception import CiException, CriticalCiException
from ..lib.gravity import Dependency
from ..lib.utils import make_block

__all__ = [

def make_command(name: str) -> sh.Command:
        return sh.Command(name)
    except sh.CommandNotFound as e:
        raise CiException(f"No such file or command as '{name}'") from e

[docs]def check_if_env_set(configuration: configuration_support.Step) -> bool: # TODO move to configuration """ Predicate function for :func:`universum.configuration_support.Configuration.filter`, used to decide whether this particular configuration should be executed in this particular environment. For more information see :ref:`filtering` >>> from universum.configuration_support import Configuration >>> c = Configuration([dict(if_env_set="MY_VAR != some value")]) >>> check_if_env_set(c[0]) True >>> c = Configuration([dict(if_env_set="MY_VAR != some value && OTHER_VAR")]) >>> check_if_env_set(c[0]) False >>> c = Configuration([dict(if_env_set="MY_VAR == some value")]) >>> os.environ["MY_VAR"] = "some value" >>> check_if_env_set(c[0]) True :param configuration: :class:`~universum.configuration_support.Step` object :return: True if environment satisfies described requirements; False otherwise """ if configuration.if_env_set: variables = configuration.if_env_set.split("&&") for var in variables: if var.strip(): match = re.match(r"\s*([A-Za-z_]\w*)\s*(!=|==)\s*(.*?)\s*$", var) # With no operator 'match' is None # In this case variable should be obligatory set to any positive value if not match: if not os.getenv(var.strip()): return False if os.getenv(var.strip()) not in ["True", "true", "Yes", "yes", "Y", "y"]: return False continue name, operator, value = match.groups() # In "==" case variable should be obligatory set to 'value' if operator == "==": if os.getenv(name) is None: return False if os.getenv(name) != value: return False # In "!=" case variable can be unset or set to any value not matching 'value' elif os.getenv(name) is not None: if os.getenv(name) == value: return False return True
def check_str_match(string: str, include_substrings: List[str], exclude_substrings: List[str]) -> bool: """The function to check whether specified string contains 'include' and does NOT contain 'exclude' substrings. >>> check_str_match("step 1", [], []) True >>> check_str_match("step 1", ["step 1"], []) True >>> check_str_match("step 1", ["step 1"], ["step 1"]) False >>> check_str_match("step 1", [], ["step 1"]) False >>> check_str_match("step 1", ["step "], ["1"]) False :rtype: bool """ result = not include_substrings for substr in include_substrings: if substr in string: result = True break for substr in exclude_substrings: if substr in string: result = False break return result def get_match_patterns(filters: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """The function to parse 'filters' defined as a single string into the lists of 'include' and 'exclude' patterns. >>> get_match_patterns("") ([], []) >>> get_match_patterns(":") ([], []) >>> get_match_patterns(":!") ([], []) >>> get_match_patterns("f:") (['f'], []) >>> get_match_patterns("f:!f 1") (['f'], ['f 1']) >>> get_match_patterns("f:!f 1:f 2:!f 3") (['f', 'f 2'], ['f 1', 'f 3']) >>> get_match_patterns(["f", "!f 1"]) (['f'], ['f 1']) """ if not isinstance(filters, str): filters = ":".join(filters) if filters else "" include: List[str] = [] exclude: List[str] = [] filters = filters.split(':') for f in filters: if f.startswith('!'): if len(f) > 1: exclude.append(f[1:]) elif f: include.append(f) return include, exclude class RunningStep(RunningStepBase): # TODO: change to non-singleton module and get all dependencies by ourselves def __init__(self, item: configuration_support.Step, out: Output, send_tag: Callable[[str], Response], log_file: Optional[TextIO], working_directory: str, additional_environment: Dict[str, str], background: bool, artifact_collector_obj: artifact_collector.ArtifactCollector) -> None: super().__init__() self.configuration: configuration_support.Step = item self.out: Output = out self.send_tag = send_tag self.file: Optional[TextIO] = log_file self.working_directory: str = working_directory self.environment: Dict[str, str] = os.environ.copy() self.environment.update(item.environment) self.environment.update(additional_environment) self.cmd: sh.Command self.process: sh.RunningCommand self._is_background = background self._postponed_out: List[Tuple[Callable[[str], None], str]] = [] self._needs_finalization: bool = True self._error: Optional[str] = None self.artifact_collector = artifact_collector_obj def prepare_command(self) -> bool: # FIXME: refactor if not self.configuration.command: self.out.log("No 'command' found. Nothing to execute") return False command_name: str = utils.strip_path_start(self.configuration.command[0]) try: self.cmd = make_command(command_name) except CiException: command_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.working_directory, command_name)) self.cmd = make_command(command_name) return True def start(self): self._error = None try: if not self.prepare_command(): self._needs_finalization = False return except CiException as ex: self._error = str(ex) return self._postponed_out = [] self.process = self.cmd(*self.configuration.command[1:], _iter=True, _bg_exc=False, _cwd=self.working_directory, _env=self.environment, _bg=self._is_background, _out=self.handle_stdout, _err=self.handle_stderr) log_cmd = utils.trim_and_convert_to_unicode(self.process.ran) self.out.log_external_command(log_cmd) if self.file: self.file.write("$ " + log_cmd + "\n") def handle_stdout(self, line: str = "") -> None: line = utils.trim_and_convert_to_unicode(line) if self.file: self.file.write(line + "\n") elif self._is_background: self._postponed_out.append((self.out.log_stdout, line)) else: self.out.log_stdout(line) def handle_stderr(self, line: str) -> None: line = utils.trim_and_convert_to_unicode(line) if self.file: self.file.write("stderr: " + line + "\n") elif self._is_background: self._postponed_out.append((self.out.log_stderr, line)) else: self.out.log_stderr(line) def finalize(self) -> None: self._error = None if not self._needs_finalization: if self._is_background: self._is_background = False self.out.log("Nothing was executed: this background step had no command") return try: text = "" try: self.process.wait() except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, sh.ErrorReturnCode): text = f"Module sh got exit code {e.exit_code}\n" if e.stderr: text += utils.trim_and_convert_to_unicode(e.stderr) + "\n" else: text = str(e) + '\n' self._handle_postponed_out() if text: text = utils.trim_and_convert_to_unicode(text) if self.file: self.file.write(text + "\n") self._error = text finally: tag: Optional[str] = self._get_teamcity_build_tag() if tag: self._assign_teamcity_build_tag(tag) self.handle_stdout() if self.file: self.file.close() self._is_background = False def get_error(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._error def collect_artifacts(self) -> None: self.artifact_collector.collect_step_artifacts(self.configuration.artifacts, self.configuration.report_artifacts) def _handle_postponed_out(self) -> None: for item in self._postponed_out: item[0](item[1]) self._postponed_out = [] def _get_teamcity_build_tag(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.configuration.is_conditional: return None # conditional steps always succeed, no sense to set a tag tag: str = self.configuration.fail_tag if self._error else self.configuration.pass_tag return tag # can be also None if not set for current Configuration def _assign_teamcity_build_tag(self, tag: str) -> None: response: Response = self.send_tag(tag) if response.status_code != 200: self.out.log_error(response.text) else: self.out.log("Tag '" + tag + "' added to build.") class Launcher(ProjectDirectory, HasOutput, HasStructure, HasErrorState): artifacts_factory = Dependency(artifact_collector.ArtifactCollector) api_support_factory = Dependency(api_support.ApiSupport) reporter_factory = Dependency(reporter.Reporter) server_factory = Dependency(automation_server.AutomationServerForHostingBuild) code_report_collector_factory = Dependency(code_report_collector.CodeReportCollector) @staticmethod def define_arguments(argument_parser): output_parser = argument_parser.get_or_create_group("Output") output_parser.add_argument("--out", "-o", dest="output", choices=["console", "file"], help="Define whether to print build logs to console or file. " "Log file names are generated based on the names of build steps. " "By default, logs are printed to console when the build is launched on " "Jenkins or TeamCity agent") parser = argument_parser.get_or_create_group("Configuration execution", "External command launching and reporting parameters") parser.add_argument("--config", "-cfg", dest="config_path", metavar="CONFIG_PATH", help="Path to project configuration file (example: -cfg=my/project/ " "Default is ````") parser.add_argument("--filter", "-f", dest="step_filter", action='append', metavar="STEP_FILTER", help="Filter steps to execute. A single filter or a set of filters separated by ':'. " "Exclude using '!' symbol before filter. " "Example: -f='str1:!not str2' OR -f='str1' -f='!not str2'. " "See online documentation for more details") parser.add_hidden_argument("--launcher-output", "-lo", dest="output", choices=["console", "file"], help="Deprecated option. Please use '--out' instead", is_hidden=True) parser.add_hidden_argument("--launcher-config-path", "-lcp", dest="config_path", is_hidden=True, help="Deprecated option. Please use '--steps-config' instead") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.source_project_configs: configuration_support.Configuration self.project_config: configuration_support.Configuration = configuration_support.Configuration() self.output: Output = self.settings.output if self.output is None: if utils.detect_environment() == "terminal": self.output = "file" else: self.output = "console" self.config_path = self.settings.config_path if not self.config_path: self.config_path = "" self.artifact_collector = self.artifacts_factory() self.api_support = self.api_support_factory() self.reporter = self.reporter_factory() self.server = self.server_factory() self.code_report_collector = self.code_report_collector_factory() self.include_patterns, self.exclude_patterns = get_match_patterns(self.settings.step_filter) @make_block("Processing project configs") def process_project_configs(self) -> configuration_support.Configuration: config_path = utils.parse_path(self.config_path, self.settings.project_root) configuration_support.set_project_root(self.settings.project_root) configuration_support.set_config_path(self.settings.config_path) config_globals: Dict[str, configuration_support.Configuration] = {} sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config_path))) try: with open(config_path, encoding="utf-8") as config_file: exec(, config_globals) # pylint: disable=exec-used self.source_project_configs = config_globals["configs"] dump_file: TextIO = self.artifact_collector.create_text_file("CONFIGS_DUMP.txt") dump_file.write(self.source_project_configs.dump()) dump_file.close() config = self.source_project_configs.filter(check_if_env_set) self.project_config = config.filter( lambda cfg: check_str_match(, self.include_patterns, self.exclude_patterns)) except IOError as e: text = f"""{e}\n Possible reasons of this error:\n * There is no Universum configuration file in project repository\n * Config path, passed to the script ('{self.config_path}'), does not lead to actual Universum configuration file location\n * Some problems occurred while downloading or copying the repository """ raise CriticalCiException(cleandoc(text)) from e except KeyError as e: text = "KeyError: " + str(e) + '\n' text += "Possible reason of this error: variable 'configs' is not defined in Universum configuration file" raise CriticalCiException(text) from e except Exception as e: ex_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] text = "Exception while processing Universum configuration file:\n" + \ utils.format_traceback(e, ex_traceback) + \ "\nTry to execute ``configs.dump()`` to make sure no exceptions occur in that case." raise CriticalCiException(text) from e if not self.project_config: text = "Project configs are empty, abort" if self.include_patterns or self.exclude_patterns: text += "\nRecheck filters applied:\n" + \ f"\tInclude patterns: {self.include_patterns}\n" + \ f"\tExclude patterns: {self.exclude_patterns}" raise CriticalCiException(text) if self._is_conditional_step_with_children_present(self.project_config): raise CriticalCiException("Conditional steps with child configurations are not supported") self._warn_if_critical_conditional_steps_present(self.project_config) return self.project_config def create_process(self, item: configuration_support.Step) -> RunningStep: working_directory = utils.parse_path(utils.strip_path_start("/")), self.settings.project_root) log_file: Optional[TextIO] = None if self.output == "file": log_file = self.artifact_collector.create_text_file( + "_log.txt") self.out.log("Execution log is redirected to file") additional_environment = self.api_support.get_environment_settings() return RunningStep(item, self.out, self.server.add_build_tag, log_file, working_directory, additional_environment, item.background, self.artifact_collector) def launch_custom_configs(self, custom_configs: configuration_support.Configuration) -> None: self.structure.execute_step_structure(custom_configs, self.create_process) @make_block("Executing build steps") def launch_project(self) -> None: self.reporter.add_block_to_report(self.structure.get_current_block()) self.structure.execute_step_structure(self.project_config, self.create_process) # TODO: implement support of conditional step with children # @staticmethod def _is_conditional_step_with_children_present( configuration: Optional[configuration_support.Configuration]) -> bool: if not configuration: return False for step in configuration.configs: if step.is_conditional and step.children: return True if Launcher._is_conditional_step_with_children_present(step.children) or \ Launcher._is_conditional_step_with_children_present(step.if_succeeded) or \ Launcher._is_conditional_step_with_children_present(step.if_failed): return True return False def _warn_if_critical_conditional_steps_present( self, configuration: Optional[configuration_support.Configuration]) -> None: step_names: List[str] = Launcher._get_critical_conditional_step_names_recursively(configuration) if not step_names: return step_names = [f'\t* "{name}"' for name in step_names] step_names_str: str = "\n".join(step_names) self.out.log(f"WARNING: 'critical' flag will be ignored for conditional steps: \n{step_names_str}\n " "Set it to the 'if_failed' branch step instead") @staticmethod def _get_critical_conditional_step_names_recursively( configuration: Optional[configuration_support.Configuration]) -> List[str]: step_names: List[str] = [] if not configuration: return step_names for step in configuration.configs: if step.is_conditional and step.critical: step_names.append( step_names.extend(Launcher._get_critical_conditional_step_names_recursively(step.children)) step_names.extend(Launcher._get_critical_conditional_step_names_recursively(step.if_succeeded)) step_names.extend(Launcher._get_critical_conditional_step_names_recursively(step.if_failed)) return step_names