Universum modes

Along with default mode Universum provides the following useful additional commands:

Initialize Universum

If you have Universum installed via pip3.7 install -U universum or downloaded it from GitHub and changed working directory to project root, run python3.7 -m universum init to create an example configuration file, that can be updated according to your project needs later.

Running this command will not only create a configuration file, but will also provide you with a command line to execute it with Universum.

Run Universum locally (Non-CI mode)

The python3.7 -m universum run subcommand uses provided Universum config to execute the set up scenario locally. This allows to easily perform all required checks before submitting a change to VCS. This mode can generally be used as a wrapper for a complex build system.

Universum in non-CI mode has the following differences from default mode:

  • It does not require most of build parameters - especially the VCS-related ones.

  • It does not report build results to any code review system.

  • It works with sources ‘in place’, without copying.

  • It automatically cleans the artifact folder before the build.

usage: python3.7 -m universum run [-h] [--out {console,file}]
                                  [--config CONFIG_PATH]
                                  [--filter STEP_FILTER]
                                  [--project-root PROJECT_ROOT]
                                  [--out-type {tc,term,jenkins,github}]
                                  [--html-log [OUTPUT.HTML_LOG]]
                                  [--artifact-dir ARTIFACT_DIR] [--no-archive]
                                  [--server-type {tc,jenkins,local}]
                                  [--tc-server TEAMCITY_SERVER]
                                  [--tc-build-id BUILD_ID]
                                  [--tc-configuration-id CONFIGURATION_ID]
                                  [--tc-auth-user-id TC_USER]
                                  [--tc-auth-passwd TC_PASSWD]
                                  [--jenkins-build-url BUILD_URL]
                                  [--github-server GITHUB_SERVER_URL]
                                  [--github-repo GITHUB_REPOSITORY]
                                  [--github-run-id GITHUB_RUN_ID]


--out, -o

Possible choices: console, file

Define whether to print build logs to console or file. Log file names are generated based on the names of build steps. By default, logs are printed to console when the build is launched on Jenkins or TeamCity agent

--out-type, -ot

Possible choices: tc, term, jenkins, github

Type of output to produce (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, term - terminal, github - Github Actions). TeamCity, Jenkins and Github Actions environments are detected automatically when launched on build agent.

--html-log, -hl

Generate a self-contained user-friendly HTML log. Pass a desired log name as a parameter to this option, or a default ‘universum_log.html’ will be used.

Configuration execution

External command launching and reporting parameters

--config, -cfg

Path to project configuration file (example: -cfg=my/project/my_conf.py). Default is .universum.py

Environment variable: $CONFIG_PATH

--filter, -f
Allows to filter which steps to execute during launch. String value representing single filter or a set of filters separated by ‘:’. To define exclude pattern use ‘!’ symbol at the beginning of the pattern.

A Universum step match specified pattern when ‘filter’ is a substring of step ‘name’. This functionality is similar to ‘boosttest’ and ‘gtest’ filtering, except special characters (like ‘*’, ‘?’, etc.) are ignored.

* -f=’run test’ - run only steps that contain ‘run test’ substring in their names
* -f=’!run test’ - run all steps except those containing ‘run test’ substring in their names
* -f=’test 1:test 2’ - run all steps with ‘test 1’ OR ‘test 2’ substring in their names
* -f=’test 1:!unit test 1’ - run all steps with ‘test 1’ substring in their names except those containing ‘unit test 1’

Source files

Parameters determining the processing of repository files

--project-root, -pr

Temporary directory to copy sources to. Default is ‘temp’

Environment variable: $PROJECT_ROOT

Artifact collection

Parameters of archiving and collecting of build artifacts

--artifact-dir, -ad

Directory to collect artifacts to. Default is ‘artifacts’

Environment variable: $ARTIFACT_DIR


By default all directories noted as artifacts are copied as .zip archives. This option turn archiving off to copy bare directories to artifact directory

Default: False

Result reporting

Build results collecting and publishing parameters

--report-build-start, -rst

Send additional comment to review system on build started (with link to log)

Default: False

--report-build-success, -rsu

Send comment to review system on build success (in addition to vote up)

Default: False

--report-only-fails, -rof

Include only the list of failed steps to reporting comments

Default: False

--report-only-fails-short, -rofs

Include only the short list of failed steps to reporting comments

Default: False

--report-no-vote, -rnv

Do not vote up/down review depending on result

Default: False

Automation server

Automation server options

--server-type, -st

Possible choices: tc, jenkins, local

Type of environment to refer to (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, local - user local terminal). TeamCity and Jenkins environment is detected automatically when launched on build agent

TeamCity variables

TeamCity-specific parameters

--tc-server, -ts

TeamCity server URL

Environment variable: $TEAMCITY_SERVER

--tc-build-id, -tbi


Environment variable: $BUILD_ID

--tc-configuration-id, -tci


Environment variable: $CONFIGURATION_ID

--tc-auth-user-id, -tcu


Environment variable: $TC_USER

--tc-auth-passwd, -tcp


Environment variable: $TC_PASSWD

Jenkins variables

Jenkins-specific parameters

--jenkins-build-url, -jbu

Link to build on Jenkins (automatically set by Jenkins)

Environment variable: $BUILD_URL

GitHub Actions variables

GitHub sets these environment variables and usually do not need to set these arguments. See: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/environment-variables#default-environment-variables


GitHub server URL, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds. For example: https://github.com

Environment variable: $GITHUB_SERVER_URL


GitHub owner and repository name, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds. For example: octocat/Hello-World

Environment variable: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY


GitHub run ID, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds.For example: 1658821493

Environment variable: $GITHUB_RUN_ID

Poll chosen VCS for updates

This mode was created for CI systems that do not have polling feature at all or that are not able to check each change individually.

When launched in poller mode, Universum uses a simple database to remember latest checked commit for every passed VCS source, such as Git or P4 branch. On next launches it consults that database and calculates a list of updates (commits, submits) in that VCS source since last change saved in DB. After that, using an URL defined in parameters, it triggers a build in CI system for each of those changes (instead of testing only the current VCS state).

This mode allows to locate a source of behaviour changes more precisely.


Even being a poller, Universum in this mode does not launch automatically. Please use some outer means (such as cron or any other time-based auto-launcher) for periodical checks.

Here are the parameters for poller mode:

usage: python3.7 -m universum poll [-h] [--file DB_FILE] [--num MAX_NUMBER]
                                   [--out-type {tc,term,jenkins,github}]
                                   [--html-log [OUTPUT.HTML_LOG]]
                                   [--vcs-type VCS_TYPE]
                                   [--project-root PROJECT_ROOT]
                                   [--git-repo GIT_REPO]
                                   [--git-refspec GIT_REFSPEC]
                                   [--p4-project-depot-path P4_PATH]
                                   [--p4-mappings P4_MAPPINGS [P4_MAPPINGS ...]]
                                   [--p4-port P4PORT] [--p4-user P4USER]
                                   [--p4-password P4PASSWD]
                                   [--server-type {tc,jenkins,local}]
                                   [--tc-server TEAMCITY_SERVER]
                                   [--tc-build-id BUILD_ID]
                                   [--tc-configuration-id CONFIGURATION_ID]
                                   [--tc-auth-user-id TC_USER]
                                   [--tc-auth-passwd TC_PASSWD]
                                   [--jenkins-trigger-url URL]
                                   [--github-server GITHUB_SERVER_URL]
                                   [--github-repo GITHUB_REPOSITORY]
                                   [--github-run-id GITHUB_RUN_ID]

Named Arguments

--file, -f

File to store last known CLs

Environment variable: $DB_FILE

Default: “p4poll.json”

--num, -n

Maximum number of CLs processed, default is 10

Environment variable: $MAX_NUMBER

Default: 10


Log appearance parameters

--out-type, -ot

Possible choices: tc, term, jenkins, github

Type of output to produce (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, term - terminal, github - Github Actions). TeamCity, Jenkins and Github Actions environments are detected automatically when launched on build agent.

--html-log, -hl

Generate a self-contained user-friendly HTML log. Pass a desired log name as a parameter to this option, or a default ‘universum_log.html’ will be used.

Source files

--vcs-type, -vt

Possible choices: none, p4, git, gerrit, github

Select repository type to download sources from: Perforce (‘p4’), Git (‘git’), Gerrit (‘gerrit’), GitHub (‘github’) or a local directory (‘none’). Gerrit uses Git parameters. Each VCS type has its own settings.

Environment variable: $VCS_TYPE

--project-root, -pr

Temporary directory to copy sources to. Default is ‘temp’

Environment variable: $PROJECT_ROOT


Git repository settings

--git-repo, -gr

See your project home page for exact repository identifier, passed to ‘git clone’. If using SSH, ‘–git-repo’ format is ‘ssh://user@server:port/detailed/path

Environment variable: $GIT_REPO

--git-refspec, -grs

Any additional refspec to be fetched

Environment variable: $GIT_REFSPEC


--p4-project-depot-path, -p4d

Depot path to get sources from (starts with ‘//’, ends with ‘/…’Only supports one path. Cannot be used with ‘–p4-mappings’ option

Environment variable: $P4_PATH

--p4-mappings, -p4m

P4 mappings. Cannot be used with ‘–p4-project-depot-path’ option. Use the following format: ‘//depot/path/… /local/path/…’, where the right half is the same as in real P4 mappings, but without client name. Just start from client root with one slash. For more than one add several times or split with ‘,’ character

Environment variable: $P4_MAPPINGS

--p4-port, -p4p

P4 port (e.g. ‘myhost.net:1666’)

Environment variable: $P4PORT

--p4-user, -p4u

P4 user name

Environment variable: $P4USER

--p4-password, -p4P

P4 password (please note, this should be exactly password, not the ticket)

Environment variable: $P4PASSWD

Automation server

Automation server options

--server-type, -st

Possible choices: tc, jenkins, local

Type of environment to refer to (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, local - user local terminal). TeamCity and Jenkins environment is detected automatically when launched on build agent

TeamCity variables

TeamCity-specific parameters

--tc-server, -ts

TeamCity server URL

Environment variable: $TEAMCITY_SERVER

--tc-build-id, -tbi


Environment variable: $BUILD_ID

--tc-configuration-id, -tci


Environment variable: $CONFIGURATION_ID

--tc-auth-user-id, -tcu


Environment variable: $TC_USER

--tc-auth-passwd, -tcp


Environment variable: $TC_PASSWD

Jenkins variables

Jenkins-specific parameters

--jenkins-trigger-url, -jtu

Url to trigger, must include exactly one conversion specifier (%s) to be replaced by CL number, for example: http://localhost/%s

Environment variable: $URL

GitHub Actions variables

GitHub sets these environment variables and usually do not need to set these arguments. See: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/environment-variables#default-environment-variables


GitHub server URL, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds. For example: https://github.com

Environment variable: $GITHUB_SERVER_URL


GitHub owner and repository name, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds. For example: octocat/Hello-World

Environment variable: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY


GitHub run ID, used on GitHub Actions for constructing links to builds.For example: 1658821493

Environment variable: $GITHUB_RUN_ID

Detect changes and submit them automatically

Unlike default mode, Universum in submit mode requires an already prepared local repository. For example:

  • In case of Git:

    • the repo should be already cloned

    • the required branch should be already checked out

  • In case of P4:

    • the client should be already created

    • the directory should be already synced

    • all the required shelves should be applied

After doing that, any additional changes done to source code (made manually or by script execution) will be detected by Universum submitter and added to VCS with specified description on behalf of specified user.

Here are the parameters for submitter mode:

usage: python3.7 -m universum submit [-h] [--create-review] [--edit-only]
                                     [--commit-message COMMIT_MESSAGE]
                                     [--reconcile-list RECONCILE_LIST]
                                     [--out-type {tc,term,jenkins,github}]
                                     [--html-log [OUTPUT.HTML_LOG]]
                                     [--vcs-type VCS_TYPE]
                                     [--project-root PROJECT_ROOT]
                                     [--git-user GITUSER]
                                     [--git-email GITEMAIL]
                                     [--git-repo GIT_REPO]
                                     [--git-refspec GIT_REFSPEC]
                                     [--p4-client P4CLIENT] [--p4-port P4PORT]
                                     [--p4-user P4USER]
                                     [--p4-password P4PASSWD]

Named Arguments


create deletable review (shelve for P4, temp branch for Git) instead of actual submitting to repo

Default: False


Only submit existing vcs modifications, no adding or deleting

Default: False

--commit-message, -cm

Commit message. Enter in command line directly, store in environment variable or pass a file path to read the message from by starting the value string with ‘@’. File path can be either absolute or relative. Please note, that when passing a file, it is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding

Environment variable: $COMMIT_MESSAGE

--reconcile-list, -rl

Comma-separated or linebreak-separated list of files or directories to be reconciled for commit (relative paths starting at client root are supported). To use command line directly, add quotes if needed (e.g. -rl 'target1, target2'). To use a file with reconcile list, start a path to file with ‘@’ (e.g. -rl @/path/to/file).Please note, that when passing a file, it’s expected to be in UTF-8 encoding

Environment variable: $RECONCILE_LIST


Log appearance parameters

--out-type, -ot

Possible choices: tc, term, jenkins, github

Type of output to produce (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, term - terminal, github - Github Actions). TeamCity, Jenkins and Github Actions environments are detected automatically when launched on build agent.

--html-log, -hl

Generate a self-contained user-friendly HTML log. Pass a desired log name as a parameter to this option, or a default ‘universum_log.html’ will be used.

Source files

--vcs-type, -vt

Possible choices: none, p4, git, gerrit, github

Select repository type to download sources from: Perforce (‘p4’), Git (‘git’), Gerrit (‘gerrit’), GitHub (‘github’) or a local directory (‘none’). Gerrit uses Git parameters. Each VCS type has its own settings.

Environment variable: $VCS_TYPE

--project-root, -pr

Temporary directory to copy sources to. Default is ‘temp’

Environment variable: $PROJECT_ROOT


--git-user, -gu

Git user name for submitting

Environment variable: $GITUSER

--git-email, -ge

Git user email for submitting

Environment variable: $GITEMAIL

--git-repo, -gr

See your project home page for exact repository identifier, passed to ‘git clone’. If using SSH, ‘–git-repo’ format is ‘ssh://user@server:port/detailed/path

Environment variable: $GIT_REPO

--git-refspec, -grs

Any additional refspec to be fetched

Environment variable: $GIT_REFSPEC


--p4-client, -p4c

Existing P4 client (workspace) name to use for submitting

Environment variable: $P4CLIENT

--p4-port, -p4p

P4 port (e.g. ‘myhost.net:1666’)

Environment variable: $P4PORT

--p4-user, -p4u

P4 user name

Environment variable: $P4USER

--p4-password, -p4P

P4 password (please note, this should be exactly password, not the ticket)

Environment variable: $P4PASSWD

GitHub Handler

GitHub Handler is a Universum mode that serves as GitHub Application, helping to perform and report checks on new commits to a repository. It can create new check runs on GitHub and trigger an already set up automation server to perform these checks. GitHub Handler parses all required params and passes them to the triggered builds.

For GitHub Handler to work, these parameters are mandatory:

  • --payload

  • --event

  • --trigger-url

  • --github-app-id

  • --github-private-key

These and other parameters are described below.

usage: python3.7 -m universum github-handler [-h] [--event GITHUB_EVENT]
                                             [--payload GITHUB_PAYLOAD]
                                             [--trigger-url TRIGGER_URL]
                                             [--suite-name SUITE_NAME]
                                             [--target-repo TARGET_REPO]
                                             [--github-app-id GITHUB_APP_ID]
                                             [--github-private-key GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY]
                                             [--out-type {tc,term,jenkins,github}]
                                             [--html-log [OUTPUT.HTML_LOG]]

Named Arguments

--event, -e

Currently parsed from “x-github-event” header of received web-hook

Environment variable: $GITHUB_EVENT

--payload, -pl

Full contents of web-hook received; pass a JSON file path, starting it with “@” character, or use an environment variable for convenience. Please note, that when passing a file, it is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding

Environment variable: $GITHUB_PAYLOAD

--trigger-url, -tu

URL for GET request to trigger the CI build and pass all parameters parsed from payload; if any constant parameters (like token) are required, include them in this string as well, e.g.: “http://jenkins.com/job/JobName/build?token=MYTOKEN

Environment variable: $TRIGGER_URL

--suite-name, -sn

GitHub check suite name, default is “CI tests”

Environment variable: $SUITE_NAME

Default: “CI tests”

--target-repo, -tr

Repository name to process; leave blank to process any repo

Environment variable: $TARGET_REPO

--verbose, -v

Show all params passed in URL (mostly for debug purposes)

Default: False


GitHub repository settings

--github-app-id, -gta

GitHub application ID to use for check run report. Only GitHub App can report a check run result! If you don’t have an App for reporting purposes, please don’t use --report-to-review with GitHub

Environment variable: $GITHUB_APP_ID

--github-private-key, -gtk

GitHub App private key for obtaining installation authentication token. Pass raw key data via environment variable or pass a file path to read the key from by starting the value string with ‘@’. File path can be either absolute or relative. Please note, that when passing a file, it is expected to be in UTF-8 encoding

Environment variable: $GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY


Log appearance parameters

--out-type, -ot

Possible choices: tc, term, jenkins, github

Type of output to produce (tc - TeamCity, jenkins - Jenkins, term - terminal, github - Github Actions). TeamCity, Jenkins and Github Actions environments are detected automatically when launched on build agent.

--html-log, -hl

Generate a self-contained user-friendly HTML log. Pass a desired log name as a parameter to this option, or a default ‘universum_log.html’ will be used.